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Planets of the Shapes

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About the game

Squares goes in square holes, round in round holes... sounds familiar?

Experience a unique gameplay, mixing puzzles and platformers, where your goal is to guide shapes into their targets, on strange planets made of rings.

Discover 4 cute visual themes, from snow planets to toys' one.

Play with gravity, jump, teleport, go round & round to achieve 3 different goals on each planet.


“We’re always on the lookout for original games, and Planets of the Shapes is certainly one of the more unique titles we’ve seen. It’s one of those games you’ve just got to play to really “get” and once you do play it there’s a good chance you’re going to have a hard time putting it down.”
Adam Field, Android Games

Third place in ‘Top 10 Android Games of the Week’
Android Games


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About the game

Flies have taken over the kitchen!
Get rid of them with a flyswatter, then clean'em up with a vacuum cleaner!

Haetataki! is an easy pastime game for smartphone & tablet, great to relax.


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Teppen Games

Indie app developer based in Tokyo, Japan.

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